The affordability and user-friendly mobile computing features of laptops have led to the rapid increase in the number of users across the world. On the other hand, the steeping rise in the production of laptops is also indicative of the exponential cases of inappropriate disposals of old and used laptop batteries. Thus, turning a blind eye to the grave danger looming at large will cause irreversible damage to our natural environment. So, laptop owners irrespective of brands like
IBM laptop battery,
Acer laptop battery or
HP laptop battery etc. can all make their contribution in environmental protection by simply adopting measures aimed at promoting safe storage and disposal of their used laptop batteries. Safe-guarding the environment against harmful chemical wastes, toxins and non-biodegradable compounds is of cardinal importance for the welfare of the future generations.
Most industrial batteries containing lead, cadmium, dilute sulphuric acid and alkaline electrolytes are known to cause greater degree of damage compared to other forms of battery chemical components in electronic gadgets. As a result, naked exposure of these toxic chemicals in the environment has lead to multiple health hazards, environmental pollution and ecological disturbance. Unfortunately, Li-ion laptop batteries do not contain metallic lithium which is otherwise more harmful to the environment. Therefore, laptop owners are recommended the following measures in order to ensure that laptop batteries are disposed safely:
1. First of all, do not dispose battery wastes in ordinary garbage dump sites. Indiscriminate disposal of chemicals contained in laptop and other household batteries are detrimental to the environment; plus, dumping chemical wastes is an illegal practice.
2. Many laptop owners are unaware of laptop recycling programs or organizations offering these services. If you happen to be one of them, the easiest step is to contact a local dealer that sells batteries or the manufacturer from whom the battery has been purchased.
3. In addition, there are various companies online that offer recycling services for laptop batteries like? Best Buy, Office Depot, Think Green, Earth 911, RBRC.org and Batteryrecycling.com etc.
4. Most of these places have kiosks set-up for the safe-disposal of laptop batteries that are further taken for recycling. If an easy access to one of these kiosks is not available near your locality, laptop owners can approach the respective organizations for the next available location or arrange for getting it recycled.
5. Do not disassemble the battery pack because the chemicals in it could be dangerous, inflammable and may also cause skin irritation. Needless to say, but, please ensure that the battery is kept out of the reach of children.
6. Renowned laptop manufacturers like Dell offer eco-friendly disposal and recycling for used Dell laptop battery for their customers. Likewise, most branded laptop manufacturers also help their customers with safe disposal kiosks.
Today, there are various regionally approved organizations and bodies that collect used batteries and dispose them at recycling plants. In a desperate attempt to fight environmental pollution, each and every country across the globe have joined hands in eliminating indiscriminate draining of industrial wastes, household battery wastes and other electronic wastes. The agenda is to ensure that development of latest technologies does not come at the cost of the existing ecological framework.
The affordability and user-friendly mobile computing features of laptops have led to the rapid increase in the number of users across the world. On the other hand, the steeping rise in the production of laptops is also indicative of the exponential cases of inappropriate disposals of old and used laptop batteries. Thus, turning a blind eye to the grave danger looming at large will cause irreversible damage to our natural environment. So, laptop owners irrespective of brands like IBM laptop battery, Acer laptop battery or HP laptop battery etc. can all make their contribution in environmental protection by simply adopting measures aimed at promoting safe storage and disposal of their used laptop batteries. Safe-guarding the environment against harmful chemical wastes, toxins and non-biodegradable compounds is of cardinal importance for the welfare of the future generations.
Most industrial batteries containing lead, cadmium, dilute sulphuric acid and alkaline electrolytes are known to cause greater degree of damage compared to other forms of battery chemical components in electronic gadgets. As a result, naked exposure of these toxic chemicals in the environment has lead to multiple health hazards, environmental pollution and ecological disturbance. Unfortunately, Li-ion laptop batteries do not contain metallic lithium which is otherwise more harmful to the environment. Therefore, laptop owners are recommended the following measures in order to ensure that laptop batteries are disposed safely:
1. First of all, do not dispose battery wastes in ordinary garbage dump sites. Indiscriminate disposal of chemicals contained in laptop and other household batteries are detrimental to the environment; plus, dumping chemical wastes is an illegal practice. 2. Many laptop owners are unaware of laptop recycling programs or organizations offering these services. If you happen to be one of them, the easiest step is to contact a local dealer that sells batteries or the manufacturer from whom the battery has been purchased.
3. In addition, there are various companies online that offer recycling services for laptop batteries like? Best Buy, Office Depot, Think Green, Earth 911, RBRC.org and Batteryrecycling.com etc.

4. Most of these places have kiosks set-up for the safe-disposal of laptop batteries that are further taken for recycling. If an easy access to one of these kiosks is not available near your locality, laptop owners can approach the respective organizations for the next available location or arrange for getting it recycled.
5. Do not disassemble the battery pack because the chemicals in it could be dangerous, inflammable and may also cause skin irritation. Needless to say, but, please ensure that the battery is kept out of the reach of children.
6. Renowned laptop manufacturers like Dell offer eco-friendly disposal and recycling for used Dell laptop battery for their customers. Likewise, most branded laptop manufacturers also help their customers with safe disposal kiosks.
Today, there are various regionally approved organizations and bodies that collect used batteries and dispose them at recycling plants. In a desperate attempt to fight environmental pollution, each and every country across the globe have joined hands in eliminating indiscriminate draining of industrial wastes, household battery wastes and other electronic wastes. The agenda is to ensure that development of latest technologies does not come at the cost of the existing ecological framework.
Tags: Battery Wiki, Tips, Safe Laptop Battery, Disposal, bestlaptopbattery.co.uk , fujifilm NP-40 Battery