
Useful suggestions to help users discussed Laptop overheating

Like any other invention, laptops also have some drawbacks and the major of them all is their heating problem. If your system shuts down suddenly then it may be an indication of overheating or it may happen due to some software failure. There is software in some laptops that shuts the system down due to excessive overheating.
This excessive over heating can cause a serious trouble either by damaging the computer as a whole or by destroying any of its very important components like motherboard, sensitive chips, graphic cards or memory cards etc. In some cases, laptops overheat because the software designed to protect the laptop specifically by controlling the operation of cooling fans, does not work properly. In other cases, this is due to the problems in the computer's BIOS, and can be cured by upgrading to the most recent BIOS.
There are well known manufacturers like Sony, Dell, HP and Acer and several others but all of the above mentioned names face the same problem with their products and that is overheating and suggestions to help users will be discussed one by one:
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Laptops by Hp heat up continuously even if they are three or six months old and solution can be found in monitoring your laptop temperature with free software called Speed Fan by Alnico or by getting it cleaned up as the cooling port can be clogged up with lint causing the CPU to overheat and the laptop to shut down.
Heating up in Lenovo is quite commonly observed and there comes a time when it's really impossible to work on the system if it remains open for continuous 2 - 3 hour which is due to hinges most of the time and the warranty can help as one can get it serviced by technical people over intervals because this is happening completely because of technical flaw.
Dell acknowledged this problem and designed a new fan with a better heat sink and heat pipes to provide better cooling with less noise. Any repairs made at this point will include the redesigned parts.
Spraying the keyboard with the cooling sprays can greatly reduce the temperature quickly. The temperature can fall down from 80°C to 45°C in few seconds no matter what number of applications you are running on the machine. These sprays do not have any adverse effect on the chips and the board so you can use them without any hassle.
To overcome this disastrous problem which can be a great obstacle in flow of your work, you can take few measures. It is better to operate the system at a speed which is less than the full designed speed of the hardware and software as well. Keep system at a place with cooler temperature. If you want to keep the system alive and functional for a long time then clean its parts and vents especially after dissembling it once a month at least. There are softwares available in the market which help in keeping the temperature under control and installing them can help you in the maintenance of your laptop. Notebooks should be kept on chill pads to keep them working for long hours. The machine can be saved from overheating if it is followed that prevention is better than cure.
otebooks are sophisticated piece of gadget and it comes with heavy pricing. An average laptop could cost from 600 $ to 900$ and better laptops with modern features can cost more than 2000$. When we spent this much of money over one little yet power machine, we should take care for machine too. I have seen people who update there machine once in every year, reason for this is older machines either breaks or some other problems comes up which cannot be fixable. Problems which usually encountered by users are screen breaking, breaking of joints of laptop, display problems, keyboard problems, charging issues and so many others which cannot be explained. You might find it interesting to know that some branded laptop have specific problems in their entire series of models and whoever purchase that machine sooner or later encounter with similar problems.

Tags: Useful Tips, Get Rid of, Laptops, Heating, Problems, Hp 485041-003 Batteryhp laptop battery

