To celebrate the iPad's one year anniversary, I'm listing out my favorite 10 iPad apps over the past year. I've attempted to put them in some kind of order too. Some apps have had a bigger impact on the way I interact with the Web than others, notably apps that have changed my reading and media consumption habits. Read on to find out how!
1. Flipboard
I've raved about Flipboard many times, but it really has changed the way I consume RSS feeds. Prior to the iPad, I mostly used Google Reader on my computer (and Bloglines before that) to consume RSS. Over time though, my usage of Google Reader and RSS Readers in general had slipped. I still valued all of the feeds I'd saved in Google Reader and I often searched them to research topics. But as a daily browsing activity, Twitter and Facebook had begun to replace my time spent in Google Reader Dell gd761 Batteries - as has been the case for many of you, I'm sure. Flipboard changed that. Now I regularly browse my RSS feeds - and some of Twitter and Facebook - through Flipboard on my iPad. Funnily enough, Flipboard has actually increased my usage of Google Reader again. I have a number of my topical folders from Google Reader in my Flipboard. So Google Reader has in essence become my feed platform, it's just that the user interface has changed. I explored that trend as it relates to smartphone RSS Readers yesterday.
2. Kindle
Just as Flipboard changed my feed reading habits, Kindle changed my book reading. I've read a number of books in the Kindle iPad app over the past year, including novels and biographies. I still read more paper Dell gw240 Batteries, books than eBooks, but the Kindle app has been my first long-term relationship (if I may put it like that) with an eReader. 3. Zinio
A third metamorphosis in my reading habits occurred thanks largely to Zinio, the digital magazine service. I subscribe to a number of magazines in Zinio, mostly art and music related. While the reading experience is often not optimal - most of my subscriptions are simply PDF files of the magazines, so there's limited interactivity - the cost savings alone make this very worthwhile to me. Also it's handy to carry around a back catalog of magazines on my iPad.
4. Instapaper
Instapaper has been yet another driver of change in my reading habits (yes, there's a theme here!). In the 'old days' of RSS Readers, people were obsessed with their Unread count - that is, how many items in the RSS Reader were as yet unread. People would get uptight if their Unread count got too high and an urge to purge would well up. Nowadays most people don't worry themselves Dell inspiron 1000 Batterieswith the Unread count, because interesting information comes from too many different places now: Twitter, Facebook, content aggregators like Techmeme, iPhone apps, iPad apps, and so on. This is where Instapaper came into its own, because from most of those places you can click a 'Read Later' button and an item is saved to Instapaper's servers. When you have Internet connectivity, the Instapaper app downloads all of those stories so you can read them offline if need be. 5. Evernote
Finally, a non-reading app! Evernote is a note-taking app, that eventually wants to be your online brain. It's been around for much longer than the iPad, but I began to use it more when the iPad came onto the scene. I particularly like the offline feature, because it allows me to update and add to my notes when I'm out and about (I have the WiFi only version of iPad and wireless connectivity is far from a given where I live).
6. Newsy
I wrote about Newsy earlier this week, as an example of a media app that has created a new form of media delivery on the iPad. I enjoy watching a selection of 2-3 minute video news clips over my lunch, or when I need a break from Dell inspiron 1300 battery my computer. Read my interview with the founder, Jim Spencer, to discover more about this innovative news service.