Laptops are the perfect computers for many users. Today's laptops can be configured to be full featured workhorse computers or small, lightweight machines for email on the fly. The technology has come a long way in the last fifteen years, but one thing that hasn't changed is the need to properly handle and care for the laptop to insure a long life. Laptops can last for years, but proper maintenance is required more so than with desktops and they need to be handled like the sensitive, fragile machines that they are.
- Select a sturdy and reliable case for your laptop with a strong handle, so that it will be easy to lug it around.
-Keep your laptop in a case with adequate padding that can absorb shock. A good cushioned case will protect your laptop from a fall. A water-proof case would be an added precaution.
- Always carry your laptop with you instead of packing it in your luggage or in a large container, as it may not necessarily be handled with care.
- Pack only those accessories that are absolutely needed, like an extra battery, charger, etc. in your handbag. The rest of the paraphernalia like external hard drives can go in with the luggage.
- Create back-up for all your data.
- It's recommended that you fit your laptop with a tracking device. Laptops are easy targets for thieves. Since they are small, portable and almost every laptop bag looks like the other, a thief could coolly walk away without you knowing about your missing lappy. If your laptop is stolen, you can track the location of your laptop through the automated tracker.
- The laptop and its accessories like the battery and cords should be stored in a cool, dry place. Protect them from direct sunlight, as heat can cause damage.
- Ensure you do not subject your gizmos to extreme temperature changes.
- It would also make sense to keep an adaptor at hand, in case, you are travelling outside the country.
- It's a good idea to invest in a couple of reusable memory cards. Not only are they handy but are also compact. Just make sure you store them away from heat and other electrical devices, and in water-proof bags if possible.
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CloudTags: Top tips, help, be care of, laptop, holiday, laptop batteries, Acer Aspire 5620 Battery